Louisa Harvey Louisa Harvey

Three Pillars of Moisture

A good face oil needs to address the three pillars of moisturisation- emollients, humectants and occlusives.

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Louisa Harvey Louisa Harvey

Get Slugging

What is slugging? Slugging is the uncomplicated skincare trick that sees you covering your face in an occlusive ointment as the final step in your night-time routine. Tiktok skincare obsessives have been sharing videos of themselves smothering their faces in a thick, gloopy layer of vasoline as a way of trapping in moisture as they sleep. In theory, this makes sense. A thick barrier over your moisturiser, serum, toner or spritz means that the humectants and water molecules remain closer to your skin, and for longer. But skincare is nuanced and there is more to this skincare step than what our tiktoking friends are demonstrating.

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Louisa Harvey Louisa Harvey

Why the pH Balance of Your Skincare Products Matters So Much

Ever thought about your skin’s pH? We often hear about our gut and ideal conditions for our microbiome, but the same can be said for our skin. Healthy skin thrives in a rather specific environment, which includes a narrow pH. Outside of this healthy range, we see the growth of harmful bacteria, visibly reflected through inflammation and skin conditions such as acne, eczema and rosacea.

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Louisa Harvey Louisa Harvey

The oil-based skincare revival

Wondering about the oil-based beauty and skincare trend?

Even though our skin is unique and there are some products out there that are better than others, in general the oil-based product trend (or more appropriately- revival) is worth a look.

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Louisa Harvey Louisa Harvey

Why we still need to moisturise in summer

If you’re like me and have always thought you need to change or decrease your moisturising when the weather gets hot, you might need to read on to know why you should continue to moisturise in summer, with a few minor tweaks and tricks to suit the season.

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Louisa Harvey Louisa Harvey

Spring Cleaning your Skincare Routine

When transitioning your skincare routine into the spring season, it’s more important to take small, regular steps than to splash out on expensive or drastic one-off treatments. The following 5 steps will help you start the spring season glowing and rejuvenated.

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Louisa Harvey Louisa Harvey

Dry Brushing- what, why and how?

Is dry-brushing worth all the hype? I needed to do my own research to decide whether this practice deserved a spot in my health and beauty repertoire.

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Louisa Harvey Louisa Harvey

Avocado oils ain’t avocado oils

I am a big believer that what you put on your skin is as important to your health as what you put inside your body. So, while I want the highest nutritional value from the foods that I eat, I also want to ensure that my skin is receiving the same quality. Unfortunately, not all avocado oils are created equal.

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Louisa Harvey Louisa Harvey

10 reasons Avocado Balm is a multi-tasking wonder

With 100% high quality pure and organic ingredients that are full of vitamins, essential fatty acids, anti-inflammatories and antibacterial properties, Avocado Balm a multi-tasking wonder that really needs to be shared.

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Louisa Harvey Louisa Harvey

Taking care of your skin: The inside-out and outside-in approach

We know that a healthy gut microbiome may reward you with youthful, radiant skin but it is just as important to consider what we are doing to take care of the equally important skin microbiome that consists of around 1000 species of good bacteria.

Healthy, radiant and resilient skin depends on an inside out and an outside in approach.

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